Tue 21 Jan
MUST SEE • ♥ • ☏ College Cutie / with a BIG BuTT ☏ • ♥ • 1oO% ReAL - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, My place (at a nice hotel))
☎️MOST Wanted🍭Sweet n SLIPPERY🍭 thick & juicy💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL🌴🌺 EXOT!C GODDESS 💋 - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston and surrounding areas)
New new new young juicy miss paris👠👗👗👗in and out calls - 19
(Bronx, White Plains in and OUTCALLS)
Looking 4 an Irish Busty Babydoll with an hourglass shape?..... im right here !!!!!!!!!!!! - 24
👅👅👅 Milk Marie Vi$iting 👅👅👅 Doing Everything $he Won't Do❗🔥 & Ready Now BBW DELUXE 👅👅👅👅 - 25
(Bronx, East Tremont & Southern Blvd)
let's have fun play party and if ur in to watching live action we got it all here - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, lowell chelmsford dracut)
*** Limited time only *** GISELLE back in Malden!!! Late Night Sensuality!!! - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, MALDEN INCALLS)
let's have fun play party and if ur in to watching live action we got it all here - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, lowell chelmsford dracut)
Lets have a great Saturday together! Im a SEXY Italian beauty ready to please! - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere)
*♛♣ Fantasies? Role Playing? Sensual Therapy?❤ ♛SEXY Brunette PLAYMATE♣ Can do it all ❤ 781.354.2922 - 21
👅👅👅 Milk Marie Vi$iting 👅👅👅 Doing Everything $he Won't Do❗🔥 & Ready Now BBW DELUXE 👅👅👅👅 - 25
(Bronx, East Tremont & Southern Blvd)
🌟Explore Your Fantasies & Desires. Well Reviewed. Sexy. 100% Real pix. Specials.👠 - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Saugus area- Outcalls/Incalls)
~*EVERYTHING You MIsS At HoMe *~EnDeArInG & COuRteoUS *Sensual*~* _*~* No Regrets - 25
(Worcester, westborough in only)
Don't miss out exotic sexy Florida girl only here for short time ready to have fun 💓💟💗💜🍭🍭🍭🌴🌴😻🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯💛💛 - 20
(boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
Early Bird Special!! Sensual Massage Therapy!!! Start your week off right with Giselle!! - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Dedham INCALLS)
💲J 🇦 🇨🇰🇵🅾🇹💲💰🎰 So ℳaηy ⚀ Choi¢عs opp ⚁ ₩hy ⚂ Gaⴅხℓع� ₩hعη ⚃ I'ⴅ⚄ ♤50$ - 20
(Bronx, E 180th 2 & 5 train)
♥Dont get scamed again! Im Sexy♥ Beautiful♥ Open Minded 100% Real Pix. A+ Reviews ♥Specials♥ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus-Incalls/Outcalls)
- DOUBL€ the TROUBL€ —❤ ——█ ❤ EXQU!S!T€ €BONY B€AUT!€S ❤ █ — SP€C!AL$ AVA!LiABLE NOW ❤ - - 20
(North Shore, Northshore Outcalls Everywhere)
Don't miss out exotic sexy Florida girl only here for short time ready to have fun 💓💟💗💜🍭🍭🍭🌴🌴😻🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯💛💛 - 20
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
●●Come Meet a Pro. SPECIALS! 100%REAL PIX. Excellent Reviews. Open-Minded. ●● - 30
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus area- Incall/Outcall)
★★Come over and have a great experience! REAL PIX. Excellent Reviews. Open-Minded. ★★ - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere/Saugus area- Incall/Outcall)
💎 Come See a Sexy&Classy; Girl. Fetish Friendly. Excellent Reviews💎 - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Saugus Area-outcalls/incalls)
Complete PROfessional Upscale DOM&Fetish...; 1000% real pics! - 27
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Worcester, Mass,RI,CT,CAPE)
♥Come see one of the Best in Boston♥ Excellent Reviews ♥ Descreet ♥ Fetish Friendly♥ Specials♥ - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Revere-incalls Boston area-outcalls)
♥ ♥ ClaSsy ChiCk tRuE RaRe ExOTiC BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW $100 outcall SpEciaLs - 28
(Metro West, framingham incalls /outcalls)
♥ ♥ ClaSsy ChiCk tRuE RaRe ExOTiC BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW in & outcall SpEciaLs - 28
(Metro West, framingham incalls /outcalls)
Weekend Rewards ....Incall or out.... put some Satisfaction into your Sunday..24/7 - 99
(Austin, your place or mine)
ViSiTiNg ShOrT TiMe :'""*.-:¦:- WhAt YoU SeE Is WhAt YoU GeT...(((open minded)))
(Incall & Outcall)
Bilingual, Dominican Amazing Florida Orange *MistressTaylor Perez* Bronxs area Now!!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan New York City)
TODAY is UR Lucky Day! 10 NEW Lucky Models to Choose From PORN STARS HERE! ALL WEEK! 512-630-7551
(Central Austin)
$80 special Closest Taste Of Chasity Dominican and Ebony slim chick - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls and incalls 233 uptown)
$50 & 2 girl special^*^*^2 DoSeZ Of ExAcTlzy WhAt ThE dOcToR pReScRiBeD^*^* Slim chicks - 18
(Bronx, Traveling To You('_') Travel to me too)
2 girls & $60 special Closest Taste Of Chasity Dominican and Ebony slim chi - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls and incalls)
100 hh special hh iSUPER SEXY 44 DDD prostate bbw SUPER Friendly Incall 24 HRS foys UNRUSHED - 47
(A01 hespler rd cambridge, Brantford-Woodstock, Guelph, Kitchener)
W h e n. T h e. W i f e s. A w a y ... L e t s. P l a y! (outcall specials) - 29
(Brainerd, Brainerd and traveling)
Mon 13 Jan
**$$_"THicK"_$$ ~RuSSiAN~ PlaYMaTe** __~*SeXy // DREAMS* // FANTASIES*~__ "PreTTy BLue EyES" - 25
(Nashville, NaShViLLe & SuRRouNDinG Areas)
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS ONLY) PLaTiNuM BaRbie - Amazing Body - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Nuru slides, Role Playing, Watersprts and Stockings with heels in Morehead City June 9th-12th - 36
(Eastern NC, Morehead City June 9th thru June 12th)
Role Playing, Fantasies and Sensual Dominance with a mature, elegant intelligent lady. - 50
(Hennepin Co, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Suburbs)
♛ All you need is 2 reaons to come see me ☑ Great ass ☑ Great Service
(DUNLAP/ I-17 SAFE LOC.24/7)
Mature, Elegant, Intelligent Lady available to visit Duluth 10/1 only - 50
(Duluth, Duluth and surrounding)
💖10'FF °©⚠•° !!!((CAUTION )) !!!°©⚠•° (( I'M A BADGiRL)) °©⚠•° (( I WANNA)) °©⚠•° ((D0 BAD 💖💎💋💋 - 25
(Cleveland, Westside)
Look Get Shook, Not Took!!! Love, Lynn - 41
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, Richmond,Independent Provider)
Lever Never Frown, You Will Go Down With A Profound Sound!!! Love, Lynn - 41
(Richmond, Richmond, Independent Provider)
Sun 12 Jan
BLONDE 💋 BUSTY 💋 Playmate ___ MORNING SPECIAL ... Fun, Bubbly Sexy Beauty ** 100% NATURAL!! - 22
(Hamilton, Hamilton IN/Outcalls)
Nuru slides, Role Playing, Watersprts and Stockings with heels in Morehead City & AB July-16th - 36
(Eastern NC, Morehead City July 16th Weekend)
Mature, Elegant, Intelligent Lady available to visit Duluth 9/18-9/19 - 50
(Duluth, Duluth and surrounding)
>>> New Super Sexy Asian Girl Diamond >> Petite and Sexy Raven >> VIP Hotties!!!!!
(Phx North, 2010 W Ironwood Dr. Phx, AZ 85021)
♛ CUM SaMpLe ThE BeSt ChOcOLaTe EvEr MaDe G0DIVA G.F.E SiMplY The BeST G.f.e EVEr !! ♛
(DUNLAP / I-17)
Hot Blonde Bombshell! No Games, No BS. I'm What YOU Deserve! Super-Hot and Fun! (407)620-1761
(Southeast Tampa)
°o° [[ ]°o° °o°[ S d U C T i V ]] °o° ! SxY bLoND.. DoNt MiSs OuT... - 20
(Mission Valley//Your Place)